
Friday, June 28, 2019

Reading Theory


This week for Cybersmart, Miss Wallace came in to teach us how to be safe online. She spoke us through some things on what type of information we could use when we blog post. This week she told us to make a slide of images to describe you and you school life.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


This week for Writing we had to re write a text that had mistakes and punctuation mistakes in that I had to fix, this is how it turned out.

Reading Theory: Chamomile Tea

Today for Reading I read a text called, Chamomile Tea.  This text talks about a certain tea that has a medicinal purpose, that means it can help you when you are sick. It could be used to treat lots of different health problems.



Friday, June 14, 2019


Nga Manu Korero

Today we were experimenting on a new website called Befunky. It was a photo editor website, our task was to edit photos from Manu Korero and do whatever we could to the photos. I had to edit multiple photos in a template and figure out how to use it. This is how it turned out.



WALT: Create a positive digital learning footprint.

Today room one, had Whaea Deborah come in and teach us about digital learning footprint. We learnt about how when you share a certain picture, or comment to others it could be shared over the whole entire world. Although you could delete it as many times as you would like people could have easily saved or copied and shared all over. I learnt to definitely share certain things with people I trust and not to share personal information. We were given a activity where we high light the information that could be shared online and others that couldn't.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Nga Manu Korero

Manu Korero

The day has come, Manu Korero in the far north has arrived. 5.06.19,
Tautoro school and other local schools around Kaikohe head off to Northland college,
To go to the Manu Korero. Everyone gets into class as Whaea Mary aching in excitement,
the kids all roaring with conversations with their pairs and some getting ready for their
first Manu Korero. “The bus is here”, Matt yelled, as Whaea Mary was organising everyone
in their places in the lines, so that everyone was sitting all together.
Room 1 hopped into the bus everyone sitting and waiting patiently for the bus driver to
head off. The doors shut on the bus and slowly left Tautoro school.
We all arrived at Northland college with, kids running everywhere and parents right
behind them. We all walked over to the hall as everyone gets out of the bus where the
Manu Korero was taking place. We stood at the entrance into the hall where the
Manu Korero was taking place and was asked to go wait in the room beside the hall,
because the people doing their speeches weren’t allowed to be interrupted.
We waited patiently for one of the speeches to finish so when we go inside no speeches
were badly interrupted. We walk in and over a hundred seats were placed around the
whole hall. We sat in the second row closets to the stage so we could get the best view.
A boy from Rawhitiroa school walks slowly onto the stage, with a dumbbell.
Ngaro and I straight away looked at each other wondering what this boy was going to say.
He looks down at the dumbbell in his hand and said ‘ This is a dumbbell,
it gives you mountains on your arms but not as big as mine’.
Everyone laughed, as I looked at Ngaro and loudly said ‘ at least one of them has a sense
of humour’. Everyone that had a speech at the Manu Korero were given a random object
and had to make a speech up on the spot to talk about. Me and Whaea Mary straight away
knew he didn’t know what he was doing. Gazillion more speeches went on and the day had
gotten more boring as more speeches went on the more bored I got,
I couldn’t wait to leave. It was Morning tea time and everyone went out to get food.
It was a very stormy day so there were tents with tables under them where everyone
could eat.